About Kuhio Medical
Kuhio Medical Center is a Primary Care Clinic located right across the street from Wal-Mart.
We participate with most insurances:
- Medicare
- AlohaCare
- Medicaid
- Quest.
Call us for your Employment Physicals and Occupational Med issues.
Accepting new HMSA patients only.
We accept cash, checks, VISA, Am-Ex, and Mastercard.

Kuhio Medical Center is the first 网上买球十大正规平台 Recognized Patient-Centered Medical Home in Hawaii (achievement Level III, 10/6/10) our focus is to emphasize the use of systematic, patient-centered, coordinated care that supports access, communication and patient involvement. When you become a part of Kuhio’s Patient Centered Medical Home, you are joining our healthcare team, and together we can set some goals to maintain or improve your overall health!